Monday, August 4, 2008

County Commissioners Court

County Commissioner Court met on Monday, August 4, 2008 at 8:30 am. All commissioners were present and the meeting was called to order by Judge Waller. Terry Williams opened with prayer and pledges to both the American and State of Texas Flags were recited.

Wade Warren submitted a letter of resignation from the county appointed board of managers of Cogdell Memorial Hospital. Warren explained, "that he had no plans to run for a spot in the spring and by resigning now, hopes the court or the new board will select someone from one of the two precincts to become familiar enough with the operations to be a candidate in the first election."

One bid from Abilene for a truck for Precinct 3 was opened and reviewed. It was for a 2003 Freightliner CL 120 at $39,500. Howard Limmer made a motion to accept the bid and was seconded by Mr. House. The motion passed

Discussion concerning the pool construction in Towle Park proved that to wait only costs money. Prices continue to rise. "The bid of $1.4 million today was not that far out of line over the $900,000 budgeted a year ago due to these increases", stated Terry Williams. Terry Brannon explained that "dropping items to try to keep it in line with your budget" could be addressed. Howard Limmer stated that making some of the changes "Would not make much difference."
Both Choloanne Lindsey, Pct 4 and Judge Waller "hated to start taking stuff out."
The $15,000 contingency if construction hit rock could be used ONLY if rock was hit and then charge the county instead of having it in original budge. Larry Thompson presented discussion concerning fence, splash pad and pool entrances. "If you're going to play, you should have to pay," was Mr. Thompson's comment. Linsey, stated "I don't think we can start doing that since we're not charging now," with reference to splash pad use. Thompson fells strongly that the expenses and upkeep on the pad would justify a charge that would allow citizens to use the pool and pad for the initial entrance fee. The number of diving boards was kept at two, not having lockers, the rock contingency and putting the pump equipment above ground were the amendment's made to the original pool design and then passed by the commissioners.

Tom Mann from the Council of Governments (COG) spoke to the court concerning a mobile communications trailer that will be placed in Scurry County but can be used by 19 West Texas COG counties. "We learned a lot of lessons after 9/11 about difficulties with interdepartmental communications" Mr. Mann stated. This trailer will be a self-contained, self- sufficient command center with mobile communications interconnecting VHF, UHF, 700 MHz and 800MHz radios enabling communication systems to be connected regardless of radio systems. The county will pay the $140,00 needed for construction but will be reimbursed next year using FY2007 Homeland Security Grant funds. The mobile unite will be housed and stored in Scurry County. Mr. Mann stated "the command unit should be used daily not just parked." The construction of the unit will begin today with an expected delivery date of January 2009. The trailer will need to be secured and protected from vandalism and weather.

Cy Posey, Fire Marshall reported that trucks for the department continue to be worked on and kept effective for use by the firemen. One of the two brush trucks the county voted paid for should be up and running soon. Experience on the first will be beneficial when working on the second and speed up that process.

Linsdey from Pct 4 ask that bids be taken for a vibrating roller to speed up work on the many caliche roads in the precinct.

Budget line item transfers and paying of bills were discussed and passed.
The meeting was adjourned with another meeting scheduled for Tuesday August 5, 2008 at 10 am. A tentative work session is scheduled for Thursday, August 14, 2008 if needed.

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