Sunday, June 29, 2008
Happenings In Scurry County--Mark your Calendar
Every Saturday (except July 5) 7am - noon East Side of Square
Bring your fresh fruits/vegetables; plant; crafts
JULY 4th Celebrate with activities in Towle Park and don't forget to catch the Parade
SCURRY COUNTY ARTS ALLIANCE will meet Tuesday July 22, 2008 6:30 pm at the Dermott School. Mission Statement: Recognizing that the ways we live, survive, work, and create are part of our identity, the Scurry County Arts Alliance celebrates the creativity, heritage, and character unique to West Texas through workshops, presentations, outreach, education, and support.
Visit for upcoming events and join this committed group of individuals with a vision to promote arts in the community.
WHAT IS GOING ON IN SCURRY COUNTY? The Scurry County Arts Alliance is preparing an 18 month calendar as a fund raiser that will give residents of the county an opportunity to see what is going on at a glance. On sale in August.
August 2nd and 3rd
The Coliseum
Admission $3.00 (children 12 & under free/parent)
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY and residents of Scurry County have joined efforts to raise awareness about a worthwhile project: HOPE LODGE (see related story) Further details about how YOU can become involved is forthcoming.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
American Cancer Society Give Hope A Home
Kathy Winn, Director of Distinguished Event Initiatives, indicated that about 50% or 2, 200 cancer patients drive more than 50 miles to Lubbock seeking and receiving "long-term" cancer care which includes 70% of the patients in the Snyder area. Typical cancer treatments last seven weeks requiring over-night accommodations averaging $4,400.
Therefore, the GIVE HOPE A HOME motto has given way to the ACS raising funds and constructing 25 Hope Lodges throughout the United States, none in Texas to date.
What is Hope Lodge? It is a facility providing FREE overnight lodging for adult cancer patients, their caregivers/family while receiving treatment. Fund raising has begun and has been met with much success in Lubbock.
Those in attendance feel that education and awareness about Hope Lodges in the United States is paramount, as they begin efforts to assist with construction and fund raising of Hope Lodge in Lubbock.
Those in attendance were: David R. Griffith, Jack McDonald, Barbara Gowin, Pete Key, Sherry Patterson, Anita Talbott, Terry Martin, Janeen Patterson Eddie Hedges, Paula Hatfield, Jim Shearer, Marianne Randals, Sally Walton, Drew Bullard, Jerry Baird
Snyder-City Council Meeting Monday June 16, 2008
City Council meeting held on Monday June 16, 2008. The meeting began with a meal at 5:30 pm and I arrived about 6:15 and was late. Lesson learned better to be early than late. (I knew that) Discussion was primarily concerning budget items. Questions asked were answered to the satisfaction of the council. The city will purchase new landfill equipment and stay within the warranty time frame as far as trade-ins are concerned. There will be a new ladder/pump truck for the fire department. It was brought to the attention of the council that increased construction of structures with upper floors makes the truck a worthwhile investment. The fact that it is a Class A pump truck is also beneficial to the fire department as a multi-use vehicle. A new police officer will be hired. There will be careful discussion between the city and college on how security will be handled at the coliseum with the change in ownership. The water, sewer and landfill rates to customers will not be increased. The city, like everyone else, is seeing an increase in fuel costs and has made adjustments in the line item to reflect this increase.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm. The next meeting will be held July 7, 2008.
Scurry County Commissioners Court Meeting Tuesday June 17, 2008
Scurry County Commissioners Court Meeting Tuesday June 17, 2008 10am-10:45 am
The meeting was called to order and begun with invocation and pledge to the flags.
A hospital report was given by Evan Moore (CEO). Plans are under way to use the Bryce Building as a specialty clinic to include a Women’s Clinic. The hospital passed audits and evaluations pertaining to their use of funding and applications for future funding are being processed to meet deadlines. The hospital district election results will be considered in further decisions concerning Cogdell. Be aware that the Hospital Board meeting may be moved to June 30.
Linda Jones from the Scurry County Library reported that successful library programs are being conducted during the summer months. There are 156 K-6th graders, 30 teens and many Senior Adults in the programs. There were 81 kids present during the police department presentation.
Larry Thompson reported that the Parks employees are busy preparing for the 4th of July activities and that their work week during the summer is Monday –Thursday 7am to 5pm and 7am to noon on Fridays. He also reported that the splash pad continues to be plagued by a highly sensitive pump. Soap, suntan lotion and sand levels trip the pump to shut-down and cause damage to parts that continually need to be replaced. The Parks Dept is hoping to have the splash pad working by noon today.
Discussion on the county pool was on the agenda but no representative from the company was present. Mr. Thompson has many questions to ask the pool rep in hoping to eliminate such problems as the splash pad is having. Questions need to be answered in water conservation and recycling to best suit the new construction. Target date for new pool opening is Memorial Day 2009.
Airtricity Pryon Wind Farm Company requested a contract amendment which would enable company vehicles to cross and use County Roads 4176; 4196, 4156 and 4185. As long as the company replaces the roads in the condition they are presently in or better, the commissioners passed the request. Airtricity has financial offices in Chicago, an office in Austin and their main office is in Germany.
Texas Family Protective Services requested that a new contact between them and the county be renewed. This is to allow an exchange of information and not a fund request. No discussion, passed.
Schleicher County is asking Scurry County to support them in their request to the state to reimburse the out of pocket expenses incurred during the El Dorado Camp proceedings.
No discussion, passed.
Request to close roads that don’t really exist in Hermleigh and return the property to the land owners was granted. This action will generate tax revenue from the land owner to the county and sell property if desired. No discussion, passed.
Request that the County issue a resolution commending the Snyder High School baseball team in their 3-A State championship was granted.
No discussion, passed.
All line item transfers were presented and passed with no discussion.
All Budget Amendments were presented and passed with no discussion.
All bills were presented in written form and approved and passed with no discussion.
Commissioner Limmer reported that several of his Round Top residents are very concerned about possible future fires and wanted a Burn Ban to be issued. At this time the request was not acted upon and will be on the agenda at the next meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:45 am.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
New Site
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